January Art Project Candles & Sand Candles

homemade candles

During January, our art teacher will be showing our students how to make homemade candles. Candles have become a staple in our homes. Whether it’s a pumpkin spice candle, holiday scents like cedar or cinnamon, or a simple flickering light on a cool fall evening there’s nothing quite like burning a candle.

homemade candles












Here are some key steps to making candles:

  1. Prep containers and supplies
  2. Measure the wax
  3. Melt the wax
  4. Add fragrances
  5. Place the wick
  6. Stabilize the wick
  7. Pour the wax
  8. Clean up
  9. Wait for the candle to cure

We will also be making sand candles. These candles offer the opportunity to use your imagination and art skills to create something truly unique.

Sand Candles
Our art program offers students the opportunity to do projects such as water color, drawing and jewelry making every day. We also offer special monthly special projects that we advertise on our website and social media.